March Meetings 2020
Mar 5, 2020 - Google Cloud Print, Apple AirPrint,
Even drunk Leprechauns don't click on Unknown Links!
Club Questions
Even drunk Leprechauns don't click on Unknown Links!
Club Questions
Google Cloud Print
All Android users that are looking for an easy way to print out files or photos from their smartphones, Google offers a good solution to what can often be quite a hassle. CNET goes over how to set up Google Cloud Print (it's free as long as you have a Google account of some kind, ie Gmail, Google+, etc) in the video. |
How to Print from iPhone
Apple makes it even easier than Android to print from your smartphone. This short video goes over how to access built-in AirPrint on iPhones and how to print to a wireless printer from your phone. |
Mar 12, 2020 - Texting Abbreviations, Intro to Drones, Wiping Smart Car data,
Go ahead, click on that unknown link, it's fine. Trust me. - Satan
Club Questions
Go ahead, click on that unknown link, it's fine. Trust me. - Satan
Club Questions

Texting Abbreviations
If you enjoy texting, you may be familiar with a few of these shortcuts, like LOL, or WTF. Just know that there are many, many more of these abbreviations that are commonly used during texting, for example, ROTFLMAO, does that mean anything to you? Take a look at this article/online dictionary of some of the most common texting abbreviations.
If you enjoy texting, you may be familiar with a few of these shortcuts, like LOL, or WTF. Just know that there are many, many more of these abbreviations that are commonly used during texting, for example, ROTFLMAO, does that mean anything to you? Take a look at this article/online dictionary of some of the most common texting abbreviations.
Introduction to Drones:
“Drone” is the common name for an unmanned aerial vehicle, or UAV for short. UAVs are vehicles that do not carry humans inside of them. They can be controlled by either a human or by a computer. UAVs were originally used in the military to carry out tasks that were either too difficult or too dangerous for humans to perform. Civilian UAVs have become more and more popular. Some recreational drone activities include photography, and racing. UAVs have also been used to smuggle drugs and other types of contraband. Many companies are now pushing for drone delivery services.
There are 3 major types of drones which have different characteristics to cater to different needs: Multi Rotor Drones (used mainly for photos and video and often the cheapest to purchase), Fixed Wing Drones (these drones have wings instead of rotors to provide lift. Because of this, they only need energy to propel them forward and are more energy efficient than multi rotor drones. They are also more difficult to fly, so not as popular with beginners), Single Rotor Helicopter (despite their name, these drones have two rotors, a large one on top for lift and a small one on the tail for controlling direction, these drones require special training as the large rotor is a risk for fatal injury).
“Drone” is the common name for an unmanned aerial vehicle, or UAV for short. UAVs are vehicles that do not carry humans inside of them. They can be controlled by either a human or by a computer. UAVs were originally used in the military to carry out tasks that were either too difficult or too dangerous for humans to perform. Civilian UAVs have become more and more popular. Some recreational drone activities include photography, and racing. UAVs have also been used to smuggle drugs and other types of contraband. Many companies are now pushing for drone delivery services.
There are 3 major types of drones which have different characteristics to cater to different needs: Multi Rotor Drones (used mainly for photos and video and often the cheapest to purchase), Fixed Wing Drones (these drones have wings instead of rotors to provide lift. Because of this, they only need energy to propel them forward and are more energy efficient than multi rotor drones. They are also more difficult to fly, so not as popular with beginners), Single Rotor Helicopter (despite their name, these drones have two rotors, a large one on top for lift and a small one on the tail for controlling direction, these drones require special training as the large rotor is a risk for fatal injury).
Drones are used for more than just pleasure as well, companies like Amazon and Google are testing delivery drones, many countries use rescue drones and farmers use spraying drones for their crops. Drones have a wide range of applications and because of their versatility, they have been rapidly integrating with our daily lives. As drones get increasingly popular, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) creates more drone operation rules. Some of these rules include imposing minimum age restrictions of the driver of the drone, maximum flying height, drone weight, drone speed, and the times of day that a drone can be flown. They have also made attempts to require drone owners to register their drones. It is expected that there will be millions of drones in the sky by 2020.
Clear Personal Data from Smart Car
The same way you 'wipe' all your personal data from a computer or smart phone before you sell it or give it away, you must also do similar clearing of data from your smart car before letting it go. The folks at How Stuff Works have a nice list of things you should make sure are removed, deleted or disabled from your car before selling it. It also goes over how to deal with the data collected on a rental car. For a more detailed look at how to delete yourself from your car, check out the video below (foil hat not required).
The same way you 'wipe' all your personal data from a computer or smart phone before you sell it or give it away, you must also do similar clearing of data from your smart car before letting it go. The folks at How Stuff Works have a nice list of things you should make sure are removed, deleted or disabled from your car before selling it. It also goes over how to deal with the data collected on a rental car. For a more detailed look at how to delete yourself from your car, check out the video below (foil hat not required).
Mar 19, 2020 - CoronaVirus
Please, Don't Click on Unknown Links.
Club Questions
Please, Don't Click on Unknown Links.
Club Questions
Vancouver Community Centers Close March 16 through ??
On March 13, Vancouver City Manager, Eric Holmes issued a Declaration of Civil Emergency for the City of Vancouver in response to the novel coronavirus COVID-19. Included in this declaration, is the clear direction for City of Vancouver staff and services to take assertive and proactive preventative measures to limit the spread of COVID-19 among our employees and the community.
In response to the Declaration of Civil Emergency and in alignment with current guidance from Clark County Public Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Vancouver Parks and Recreation is closing Firstenburg and Marshall community centers beginning on Monday, March 16, with a plan to reopen on Wednesday, April 1.
The Firstenburg and Marshall community centers are important amenities within the City of Vancouver. We know that closing these facilities will cause difficulties for many residents who rely on community centers for fitness, education, social connection, youth services and a safe place to be during the day. We do not take this decision lightly but we believe these preventative measures are needed to slow the rate of spread of COVID-19 and reduce the virus’s impact on our citizens and health care systems.
This is a decision without local precedent. Given the seriousness of the current situation, we believe this is the most responsible choice we can make to best serve the interests of our employees and community. We are continuing to monitor this evolving public health situation and will provide further updates as needed.
Customer service support for both Firstenburg and Marshall community centers will continue to be available by phone during regular business hours.
Community Center Direct Lines:
☎️ Firstenburg Community Center: 360-487-7001
☎️ Marshall Community Center: 360-487-7100
In response to the Declaration of Civil Emergency and in alignment with current guidance from Clark County Public Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Vancouver Parks and Recreation is closing Firstenburg and Marshall community centers beginning on Monday, March 16, with a plan to reopen on Wednesday, April 1.
The Firstenburg and Marshall community centers are important amenities within the City of Vancouver. We know that closing these facilities will cause difficulties for many residents who rely on community centers for fitness, education, social connection, youth services and a safe place to be during the day. We do not take this decision lightly but we believe these preventative measures are needed to slow the rate of spread of COVID-19 and reduce the virus’s impact on our citizens and health care systems.
This is a decision without local precedent. Given the seriousness of the current situation, we believe this is the most responsible choice we can make to best serve the interests of our employees and community. We are continuing to monitor this evolving public health situation and will provide further updates as needed.
Customer service support for both Firstenburg and Marshall community centers will continue to be available by phone during regular business hours.
Community Center Direct Lines:
☎️ Firstenburg Community Center: 360-487-7001
☎️ Marshall Community Center: 360-487-7100
Below are some links I have gathered from the Internet for you all, and please remember, there will be lots of misinformation about this pandemic online (and elsewhere) so please vet y0ur sources carefully. And of course, if at all possible, stay home as much as y0u can. I hope that the Club will be back by April first, but only time will tell. I will continue to create the Weekly Quiz for you all and if you have any tech questions, please send them to me at the Club email address, if you don't know it, just use the Contact Form on this site to ask your question. I will do my best to get back to you in a timely manner.
The Links
Corona Virus info from Clark County -
Corona Virus info from WA State -
Corona Virus updates from CDC -
Corona Virus info from WHO -
Corona Virus info from Clark County -
Corona Virus info from WA State -
Corona Virus updates from CDC -
Corona Virus info from WHO -
Johns Hopkins Hospital Interactive Map of Corona Virus
Mar 26, 2020 - CoronaVirus, Sanitize Your Gear, Video Calls
Please, WASH YOUR HANDS, and Don't Click on Unknown Links.
Club Questions
Please, WASH YOUR HANDS, and Don't Click on Unknown Links.
Club Questions

Latest Updates From Vancouver City
Currently FCC will be closed until the end of April, but that date may change (read: be extended). During FCC's closure the Computer Club will continue to operate virtually on the internet. Going forward the website will be updated on Thursdays between 2 and 4pm and this will include a new weekly quiz. If you have a question or need some tech help, please feel free to contact me by replying to any of my emails to you, or simply use the contact form on this site. For the most current news regarding FCC's closure, please check out the City's official page.
Currently FCC will be closed until the end of April, but that date may change (read: be extended). During FCC's closure the Computer Club will continue to operate virtually on the internet. Going forward the website will be updated on Thursdays between 2 and 4pm and this will include a new weekly quiz. If you have a question or need some tech help, please feel free to contact me by replying to any of my emails to you, or simply use the contact form on this site. For the most current news regarding FCC's closure, please check out the City's official page.

Keep Your Tech Gear Sanitized
It's not just your hands that you need to keep clean during these Covid-19 times, you need to keep everything clean. Tech gear is notorious for harboring dirt and dust, this series of articles goes over how to keep all your tech clean and safe. For more on how to sanitize your tech, take a look at this article from Flipboard.

Video Calls
Social distancing is keeping us inside more than we might want, but modern tech makes it easy to see and hear your friends whether they live across the street or the country. Those with iPhones are probably familiar with FaceTime© apple's built-in video conferencing app. Android phones also have similar apps as well as many versions built for computers (Apple and Windows). Take a look at this LifeHacker report on some paid/free ways to stay in touch with your quarantined friends.
Social distancing is keeping us inside more than we might want, but modern tech makes it easy to see and hear your friends whether they live across the street or the country. Those with iPhones are probably familiar with FaceTime© apple's built-in video conferencing app. Android phones also have similar apps as well as many versions built for computers (Apple and Windows). Take a look at this LifeHacker report on some paid/free ways to stay in touch with your quarantined friends.
How to Use FaceTime Video Chat on Android