June Meetings 2022
Jun 2, 2022 - How to Have the Same Number on Two Different Phones,
Should You Clear Your Android Cache? Best EarPods for 2022, I've Been Hacked, What Now?
"Well done is better than well said, unless you're taking about
unknown links, just leave them alone."
- Benjamin Franklin
Club Questions
Should You Clear Your Android Cache? Best EarPods for 2022, I've Been Hacked, What Now?
"Well done is better than well said, unless you're taking about
unknown links, just leave them alone."
- Benjamin Franklin
Club Questions

Same Number - Two Phones
Have you ever thought about getting an extra phone as a back up for your main cellphone? Unfortunately, you often cannot have multiple phones with the same number. Many phone companies simply don't support it. But there are a few different ways you can end up with two phones on the same number. To learn more about how to use the same phone number on two different phones, take a look at this article.
Have you ever thought about getting an extra phone as a back up for your main cellphone? Unfortunately, you often cannot have multiple phones with the same number. Many phone companies simply don't support it. But there are a few different ways you can end up with two phones on the same number. To learn more about how to use the same phone number on two different phones, take a look at this article.

Why You Should Clear Your Android Cache
If you use an Android device, and use Google Chrome or Firefox or Samsung Internet, clearing your cache will boost your security and possibly even your device's speed. For each of these three browsers, CNET has broken down an illustrated step by step of how to clear the browser cache. To learn more about cache clearing on your Android device, take a look at this article.
If you use an Android device, and use Google Chrome or Firefox or Samsung Internet, clearing your cache will boost your security and possibly even your device's speed. For each of these three browsers, CNET has broken down an illustrated step by step of how to clear the browser cache. To learn more about cache clearing on your Android device, take a look at this article.

Best EarBuds for 2022
EarBuds, or AirPods (Apple), are those tiny little, in-ear, headphones that are the wireless replacement of headphones. CNET has taken a deep dive into all things EarBud and have created a list of the year's best models in various categories. To learn more about EarBuds, take a look at this article.
EarBuds, or AirPods (Apple), are those tiny little, in-ear, headphones that are the wireless replacement of headphones. CNET has taken a deep dive into all things EarBud and have created a list of the year's best models in various categories. To learn more about EarBuds, take a look at this article.

I've Been Hacked, What Now?
Some computer experts are expecting 2022 to be the worst year for hacks on individuals. Whether or not hacking is getting worse (it is) won't change the things you need to do once you've discovered you've been hacked. Depending on the kind of hack you experienced, email, credit card, personal data, etc, the fixes will vary. PC magazine has put together an article that goes over everything you'll need to know, from whether or not you've been hacked to what you need to do next. The article includes a variety of links to supporting articles, to read more about what to do if you've been hacked, take a look at this article.
Some computer experts are expecting 2022 to be the worst year for hacks on individuals. Whether or not hacking is getting worse (it is) won't change the things you need to do once you've discovered you've been hacked. Depending on the kind of hack you experienced, email, credit card, personal data, etc, the fixes will vary. PC magazine has put together an article that goes over everything you'll need to know, from whether or not you've been hacked to what you need to do next. The article includes a variety of links to supporting articles, to read more about what to do if you've been hacked, take a look at this article.
Jun 9, 2022 - Accessing Accessibility on your Smartphone, Microsoft Office for Free,
Forward Yahoo Mail to Gmail,
"You only pass through this life once,
you don't come back for an encore, or an unknown link."
- Elvis Presley
Club Questions
Forward Yahoo Mail to Gmail,
"You only pass through this life once,
you don't come back for an encore, or an unknown link."
- Elvis Presley
Club Questions

Accessing Accessibility
Both Android and iPhone come with a variety of accessibility features that can make it much easier for anyone with a disability to use the device. As usual, both devices come with somewhat different accessibility features. To see a head to head comparison of iOS vs. Android and which one might better serve your needs when it comes to accessibility features, take a look at this article. Or if you would like to try out some of the features on your Android device, take a look at this article featuring lots of graphics and short video tutorials. For iPhone users take a look at the official Apple support page, here.
Both Android and iPhone come with a variety of accessibility features that can make it much easier for anyone with a disability to use the device. As usual, both devices come with somewhat different accessibility features. To see a head to head comparison of iOS vs. Android and which one might better serve your needs when it comes to accessibility features, take a look at this article. Or if you would like to try out some of the features on your Android device, take a look at this article featuring lots of graphics and short video tutorials. For iPhone users take a look at the official Apple support page, here.

Microsoft Office 2022
In the old days, like the early 2000's, you would have probably bought a copy of Microsoft Office (including; Word, Excel, Powerpoint, etc) installed it on your computer and started writing your novel. The price you paid for one or all of the Office Suite apps could have varied greatly, depending on where and how you bought it (did you buy it as a student?). These days, you no longer need to pay for the privilege of using these apps, Microsoft will now let you use any of them, online, for free (with a Microsoft account, which is also free). To learn more about how to use all the Microsoft Office apps online, take a look at this article.
In the old days, like the early 2000's, you would have probably bought a copy of Microsoft Office (including; Word, Excel, Powerpoint, etc) installed it on your computer and started writing your novel. The price you paid for one or all of the Office Suite apps could have varied greatly, depending on where and how you bought it (did you buy it as a student?). These days, you no longer need to pay for the privilege of using these apps, Microsoft will now let you use any of them, online, for free (with a Microsoft account, which is also free). To learn more about how to use all the Microsoft Office apps online, take a look at this article.

Forward Yahoo Mail to Gmail
If you've ever wondered how to send your main Yahoo email address (or any Yahoo address) to Gmail, or if you might just want to undo that feature, you'll want to take a look at a WikiHow.com article that clearly explains and illustrates how to set up or remove the forward feature available in Yahoo Mail. Take a look at this article.
If you've ever wondered how to send your main Yahoo email address (or any Yahoo address) to Gmail, or if you might just want to undo that feature, you'll want to take a look at a WikiHow.com article that clearly explains and illustrates how to set up or remove the forward feature available in Yahoo Mail. Take a look at this article.
Jun 16, 2022 - Best Laptops for 2022, Take Better Smartphone Photos,
How to Recycle Batteries Properly, Micr0soft Retires Internet Explorer,
"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious...
Except about those unknown links!"
- Albert Einstein
Club Questions
How to Recycle Batteries Properly, Micr0soft Retires Internet Explorer,
"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious...
Except about those unknown links!"
- Albert Einstein
Club Questions

Best Laptops for 2022
If you're in the market for a new laptop and you're thinking you might want something a little better, or at least newer, then this is the link for you. It's CNET's annual laptop roundup, where they pick out their top choices for this year's crop of laptops. CNET generally doesn't play favourites, and this list has computers of all make and model, from around $600 to over $2,500. Once you've found the computer you want to buy, shop around and find the most reputable dealer with the best price. Take a look at this year's Laptop List. For those of you on a budget, there are lots of choices for you as well, take a look at a list of the best laptops under $1000. Please keep in mind, these are only two different lists, a quick search on Google will find you lots of other resources with laptop suggestions. As always with these sort of sites with product recommendations, always search for your best price across a variety of websites.
If you're in the market for a new laptop and you're thinking you might want something a little better, or at least newer, then this is the link for you. It's CNET's annual laptop roundup, where they pick out their top choices for this year's crop of laptops. CNET generally doesn't play favourites, and this list has computers of all make and model, from around $600 to over $2,500. Once you've found the computer you want to buy, shop around and find the most reputable dealer with the best price. Take a look at this year's Laptop List. For those of you on a budget, there are lots of choices for you as well, take a look at a list of the best laptops under $1000. Please keep in mind, these are only two different lists, a quick search on Google will find you lots of other resources with laptop suggestions. As always with these sort of sites with product recommendations, always search for your best price across a variety of websites.
Smartphone Photos Whether you use an Android device or an iPhone, this video goes over a few simple tips that will help you improve your basic photo taking abilities. |

Recycling Batteries Properly
Batteries are not regular trash and cannot be thrown out with your weekly collection. They must be recycled, and recycled properly, anything less and you have the possibility of a fire or worse. How and where you recycle old batteries, of any kind, is a little bit different almost anywhere you go. For the Federal instructions from the EPA on how to get rid of those old household batteries, take a look at this website. And for those of us that live in Vancouver, WA, take a look at this website for more local regulations.

Microsoft Retires Internet Explorer
Microsoft has announced it will kill off its much-maligned legacy internet browser Internet Explorer close to 27 years after it graced desktop computers in 1995. From 15 June, the desktop app will be disabled and users will be redirected to Microsoft’s Edge browser instead. To learn more about the end of Internet Explorer and what Windows users should do next, take a look at this article.
Jun 23, 2022 - VIDEO WEEK -- Programmable Matter, 3D Building Technologies,
How to Stay Safer Online, Are NFTs Bad for the Environment?
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do, than the unknown links you did click on."
- Mark Twain
Club Questions
How to Stay Safer Online, Are NFTs Bad for the Environment?
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do, than the unknown links you did click on."
- Mark Twain
Club Questions
Programmable Matter
We've all heard of 3D printers and the fantastic things they can print from tiny, detailed jewelry to entire buildings. Programmable matter is the next step in three dimensional printing. On a nanoscale, they use reprogrammable matter to form into what ever you want. For more details on how programmable matter works, Watch the video. |
3D Building Tech
Building a house or a building with a large, portable 3D printer isn't new, they've been experimenting with 3D building construction for years now, but the future may be closer than we think. To learn more about 3D building tech, take a look at the video. |
How to Stay Safer Online
Continuing in the video theme, for those of you who would like to know how to stay safer online, Mayim Bialik goes thru an entertaining break down of how the hackers will try to get you and what you can do to help protect yourself whenever you're on the internet. Check her out below.
Continuing in the video theme, for those of you who would like to know how to stay safer online, Mayim Bialik goes thru an entertaining break down of how the hackers will try to get you and what you can do to help protect yourself whenever you're on the internet. Check her out below.
Are NFTs Bad?
Non Fungible Tokens (NFTs) are what Bitcoin are built on, NFTs are also behind the latest art craze where digital copies of twitter tweets sell for hundreds of thousand of dollars. But how is an NFT created? Is the creation of NFTs safe for the environment. To learn more, watch the video. |
Jun 30, 2022 - What's the Best Way to Save Passwords? Best Tablets of 2022,
FCC Warns About Tik Tok, How to Recover Your Gmail Password,
"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough,
as long as you don't click on any unknown links."
- Mae West
Club Questions
FCC Warns About Tik Tok, How to Recover Your Gmail Password,
"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough,
as long as you don't click on any unknown links."
- Mae West
Club Questions

What's the Best Way to Save Passwords
Unfortunately we live in an age where passwords are a near necessity for just about everything we do online. Keeping track of passwords can be a hassle, but there are some solutions. You can use your web browser of choice to remember your passwords for places you go online, or if you've got a lot of passwords you might want to consider a password manager. To learn more about how to safely keep track of all your passwords, take a look at this article.
Unfortunately we live in an age where passwords are a near necessity for just about everything we do online. Keeping track of passwords can be a hassle, but there are some solutions. You can use your web browser of choice to remember your passwords for places you go online, or if you've got a lot of passwords you might want to consider a password manager. To learn more about how to safely keep track of all your passwords, take a look at this article.

Best Tablets of 2022
A tablet can do a variety of tasks for you, and some of the new ones can almost replace your laptop computer, which might have something to do with why their popularity has skyrocketed since the pandemic. Each year tablets get bigger, stronger, faster and the crop for 2022 is no different. No matter what your budget is, there's probably a tablet out there that's perfect for you. Below are the tops picks from a few trusted sites.
CNET's best tablet picks for 2022
TechAdvisor's top 10 tables for 2022
TechRadar's best tablets for 2022
A tablet can do a variety of tasks for you, and some of the new ones can almost replace your laptop computer, which might have something to do with why their popularity has skyrocketed since the pandemic. Each year tablets get bigger, stronger, faster and the crop for 2022 is no different. No matter what your budget is, there's probably a tablet out there that's perfect for you. Below are the tops picks from a few trusted sites.
CNET's best tablet picks for 2022
TechAdvisor's top 10 tables for 2022
TechRadar's best tablets for 2022

FCC Warns About Tik Tok
The FCC sent out a warning to Apple and Google regarding the wildly popular app, Tik Tok, in part saying, “TikTok is not what it appears to be on the surface. It is not just an app for sharing funny videos or memes. That’s the sheep’s clothing, at its core, TikTok functions as a sophisticated surveillance tool that harvests extensive amounts of personal and sensitive data.” To read more about why you might not want to be using Tik Tok, take a look at this article.
The FCC sent out a warning to Apple and Google regarding the wildly popular app, Tik Tok, in part saying, “TikTok is not what it appears to be on the surface. It is not just an app for sharing funny videos or memes. That’s the sheep’s clothing, at its core, TikTok functions as a sophisticated surveillance tool that harvests extensive amounts of personal and sensitive data.” To read more about why you might not want to be using Tik Tok, take a look at this article.

How to Recover Your Gmail Password
If you're a Gmail user and have lost your password, never fear, Google offers a few different ways to recover or reset your missing password and get you back online. It all starts by clicking on the "forgot password" link provided on the Gmail login page. And as always, recovering a lost password is easier when you have your Gmail account backed up with a secondary email address. To learn more about how to get back into your Gmail account, take a look at this article.
If you're a Gmail user and have lost your password, never fear, Google offers a few different ways to recover or reset your missing password and get you back online. It all starts by clicking on the "forgot password" link provided on the Gmail login page. And as always, recovering a lost password is easier when you have your Gmail account backed up with a secondary email address. To learn more about how to get back into your Gmail account, take a look at this article.