February Meetings 2021
Feb 4, 2021 - Fake Online Reviews, Speed Up Your Internet, How to Handle a Fussy Device,
Did you Hear the one about the Unknown Link -- DON'T CLICK IT
Club Questions
Did you Hear the one about the Unknown Link -- DON'T CLICK IT
Club Questions

Fake Online Reviews
Online sellers will go to great lengths to get their products to the top of the ratings, be it in Amazon or any other online sales platform using ratings as a measure of quality. When we read online product reviews, we'd like to believe that they are coming from an actual verified buyer of the product we are considering. But often times, that is not the case. There are lots of different ways for sellers to create fake reviews, one of the most common is for a new company looking to get up in the ratings, to purchase fake reviews. Read more about how that is done here. Or maybe you've received a package from Amazon that you didn't order? That's also a technique used to create fake reviews, read more about how that works here. The bottom line is that you can't be too trusting of any online reviews until the selling sites figure out a way to curb the fakes. Some easy giveaways that the review might be fake are poor grammar, short and generic comments and reviews from people with few reviews.
Online sellers will go to great lengths to get their products to the top of the ratings, be it in Amazon or any other online sales platform using ratings as a measure of quality. When we read online product reviews, we'd like to believe that they are coming from an actual verified buyer of the product we are considering. But often times, that is not the case. There are lots of different ways for sellers to create fake reviews, one of the most common is for a new company looking to get up in the ratings, to purchase fake reviews. Read more about how that is done here. Or maybe you've received a package from Amazon that you didn't order? That's also a technique used to create fake reviews, read more about how that works here. The bottom line is that you can't be too trusting of any online reviews until the selling sites figure out a way to curb the fakes. Some easy giveaways that the review might be fake are poor grammar, short and generic comments and reviews from people with few reviews.

Speed Up Your Internet
Due to 2019's Supreme Court decision, Internet providers can still slow down your service if you're streaming too much Netflix, Hulu, or similar services, and can throttle your connection to websites owned by competitors. But there are a few things you can still do to help keep your Internet speed decently moving along. Take a look at this article from CNET on some possible solutions to your slow Internet speeds.
Due to 2019's Supreme Court decision, Internet providers can still slow down your service if you're streaming too much Netflix, Hulu, or similar services, and can throttle your connection to websites owned by competitors. But there are a few things you can still do to help keep your Internet speed decently moving along. Take a look at this article from CNET on some possible solutions to your slow Internet speeds.

How to Handle a Fussy Device
It should go without saying, but this tip is important enough to say multiple times, if you're having trouble with one of your devices, the best and first thing you should try is power cycling it. Of course an easier way of saying power cycling, is "Have you turned it off and on again?" By doing this, you are resetting your device, clearing your memory and putting it all back to a known state. To read more about this topic, take a look at this article.
It should go without saying, but this tip is important enough to say multiple times, if you're having trouble with one of your devices, the best and first thing you should try is power cycling it. Of course an easier way of saying power cycling, is "Have you turned it off and on again?" By doing this, you are resetting your device, clearing your memory and putting it all back to a known state. To read more about this topic, take a look at this article.
Feb 11, 2021 - COVID-19 Vaccine Scams, More Email Security, The Metaverse is Coming, Some More Reasons to Dislike Facebook
Winter May be Leaving Soon, But Unknown Links are Still Here - Beware
Club Questions
Winter May be Leaving Soon, But Unknown Links are Still Here - Beware
Club Questions

COVID-19 Vaccine Scams
During the current vaccine rollout, public interest in where and when you can get it has created yet another opportunity for scam artists to go phishing for your personal data. As with all phishing scams, there are some basics to look out for, but with Coronavirus the scammers have added a few new twists. For more information about how you can keep yourself safe from these new scams, take a look at this article.
During the current vaccine rollout, public interest in where and when you can get it has created yet another opportunity for scam artists to go phishing for your personal data. As with all phishing scams, there are some basics to look out for, but with Coronavirus the scammers have added a few new twists. For more information about how you can keep yourself safe from these new scams, take a look at this article.

How to Keep Your Email Safe
A large number of the online scams that you may face will come thru your email. There are lots of things you can do to safeguard your inbox, including two-factor authentication and using a strong password. Avast, a well known anti-virus app, has 10 easy tips to help keep your email safe. Another common issue is the ability to unsubscribe from those pesky ad emails, and you might think that you should just click unsubscribe, but there's more to it than that, read more how merely unsubscribing might not be the solution. And finally, did you know that your emails are often being tracked by third parties? Yup, and there's a way to stop that from happening too, read more here.
A large number of the online scams that you may face will come thru your email. There are lots of things you can do to safeguard your inbox, including two-factor authentication and using a strong password. Avast, a well known anti-virus app, has 10 easy tips to help keep your email safe. Another common issue is the ability to unsubscribe from those pesky ad emails, and you might think that you should just click unsubscribe, but there's more to it than that, read more how merely unsubscribing might not be the solution. And finally, did you know that your emails are often being tracked by third parties? Yup, and there's a way to stop that from happening too, read more here.

The Metaverse is Coming
Over the course of 2021, the Metaverse will experience widespread use, and start to become a human co-experience utility. People will meet in virtual worlds not just to play a game, but also to check out a new movie trailer or laugh at user-generated videos. But what is the Metaverse? The Metaverse is broadly understood as a persistent, shared virtual realm, like an evolved, more-immersive internet, and it's no longer just fodder for science fiction. The Metaverse is arguably as big a shift in online communication as the telephone or the internet. Within the next few decades its applications will exceed our wildest imaginations. To read more about the coming revolution, take a look at this article.
Over the course of 2021, the Metaverse will experience widespread use, and start to become a human co-experience utility. People will meet in virtual worlds not just to play a game, but also to check out a new movie trailer or laugh at user-generated videos. But what is the Metaverse? The Metaverse is broadly understood as a persistent, shared virtual realm, like an evolved, more-immersive internet, and it's no longer just fodder for science fiction. The Metaverse is arguably as big a shift in online communication as the telephone or the internet. Within the next few decades its applications will exceed our wildest imaginations. To read more about the coming revolution, take a look at this article.

Some More Reasons to Dislike Facebook
Facebook claims to bring the world together, but as more and more information about how the company operates comes out, it seems less about bringing people together and more about making money. In case you missed the fight between Apple and Facebook lately, take a look at this article. Now that Apple has added the option for users to opt out of being tracked by Facebook advertisers (don't worry, Facebook itself is still tracking you), Facebook is furious at Apple, but their reasoning is a little less than sincere, read more about how Facebook is gaslighting users into allowing ad tracking. And if that wasn't enough bad news about Facebook, guess who's got three of the top five apps that drain your phone's battery, see the list here.
Facebook claims to bring the world together, but as more and more information about how the company operates comes out, it seems less about bringing people together and more about making money. In case you missed the fight between Apple and Facebook lately, take a look at this article. Now that Apple has added the option for users to opt out of being tracked by Facebook advertisers (don't worry, Facebook itself is still tracking you), Facebook is furious at Apple, but their reasoning is a little less than sincere, read more about how Facebook is gaslighting users into allowing ad tracking. And if that wasn't enough bad news about Facebook, guess who's got three of the top five apps that drain your phone's battery, see the list here.
Feb 18, 2021 - What Does a VPN Really Do? How Often Should I Reboot? Windows Update Slowdown Problems Fixed,
Under all that Snow Lurks Unknown Links -- Don't Tread on Them.
Club Questions
Under all that Snow Lurks Unknown Links -- Don't Tread on Them.
Club Questions

What Does a VPN Really Do?
We've been talking about VPNs (virtual private networks) for a long time now, but what do they actually do? And more importantly, do you really need one? on all your devices? The short answer is, yes, but there's more to the story. To learn more about how VPNs work, what they protect, and why you should consider getting one, read more in this article from PC Magazine.
Another aspect about VPN services is that they are privy to a lot of your personal info, so when choosing a VPN, choose carefully. The first rule of the Internet, as we all know, is if you're not paying for the product, you ARE the product. So this should clear all the 'free' VPNs out there right off your list. For more information about what VPN companies do with your browsing data, take a look at this article.
We've been talking about VPNs (virtual private networks) for a long time now, but what do they actually do? And more importantly, do you really need one? on all your devices? The short answer is, yes, but there's more to the story. To learn more about how VPNs work, what they protect, and why you should consider getting one, read more in this article from PC Magazine.
Another aspect about VPN services is that they are privy to a lot of your personal info, so when choosing a VPN, choose carefully. The first rule of the Internet, as we all know, is if you're not paying for the product, you ARE the product. So this should clear all the 'free' VPNs out there right off your list. For more information about what VPN companies do with your browsing data, take a look at this article.

How Often Should You Reboot Your Computer?
Rebooting, or restarting your computer should be your go-to first response to a reluctant computer, or one that isn't working as well as it normally does. But how often should you reboot your computer on a normal basis? And are there different ways to reboot your computer? It is a simple task, but there are some variations that may apply to you, read more about this topic on this article.
Rebooting, or restarting your computer should be your go-to first response to a reluctant computer, or one that isn't working as well as it normally does. But how often should you reboot your computer on a normal basis? And are there different ways to reboot your computer? It is a simple task, but there are some variations that may apply to you, read more about this topic on this article.

Windows Update Slowdowns Fixed
If you're a Windows user, you may be familiar with the problems some updates can bring to your computer. From slowdowns to operating system glitches, many things can go wrong during an update. The most common problem is a general slowdown of your computer's abilities, but never fear, there are some solutions, to learn more how you can speed up your computer after an update, read this article.
If you're a Windows user, you may be familiar with the problems some updates can bring to your computer. From slowdowns to operating system glitches, many things can go wrong during an update. The most common problem is a general slowdown of your computer's abilities, but never fear, there are some solutions, to learn more how you can speed up your computer after an update, read this article.
Feb 25, 2021 - Movie Matcher, Find a Better Cell Phone Service, Silver Sparrow Malware,
Your Android Phone is Listening
Clicking Unknown Links is like saying, "Have a Bad Day."
Club Questions
Your Android Phone is Listening
Clicking Unknown Links is like saying, "Have a Bad Day."
Club Questions

Movie Matcher
Most of us have been spending more time in front of the screen (be it computer or TV or other) watching a lot more content, like movies, TV shows and documentaries to name but a few. If you like watching shows with other people, then you might want to take a look at Movie Matcher. By entering a few details about what you like to watch, and what your movie mate likes as well, Movie Matcher comes up with some wonderful suggestions that you'll both like. To read more about how Movie Matcher works, take a look at this article.
Most of us have been spending more time in front of the screen (be it computer or TV or other) watching a lot more content, like movies, TV shows and documentaries to name but a few. If you like watching shows with other people, then you might want to take a look at Movie Matcher. By entering a few details about what you like to watch, and what your movie mate likes as well, Movie Matcher comes up with some wonderful suggestions that you'll both like. To read more about how Movie Matcher works, take a look at this article.

Find a Better Cell Phone Service
Maybe you're paying too much for your cell phone each month? Or maybe you just want a change, either way there are many more options for cell service providers, you no longer need only look at the Big Three (Verizon, AT&T and T Mobile). There are lots of MVNOs (mobile virtual network operators) now and they have become a lot more reliable than even just five years ago. To learn more about how you can find a better cell service provider, take a look at this article.
Maybe you're paying too much for your cell phone each month? Or maybe you just want a change, either way there are many more options for cell service providers, you no longer need only look at the Big Three (Verizon, AT&T and T Mobile). There are lots of MVNOs (mobile virtual network operators) now and they have become a lot more reliable than even just five years ago. To learn more about how you can find a better cell service provider, take a look at this article.

Silver Sparrow Malware
If you are a Mac computer user, then this one is for you. Virus' may not often hit Macs, but malware is a different story, and the story of Silver Sparrow is a bit of a mystery so far. PC Magazine reports that the new malware was discovered a few days ago and only affects Mac computers. It's still unknown as to what exactly this malware does, but malware is seldom a good thing. To read more about Silver Sparrow and what you can do to see if you have it, take a look at this article.
If you are a Mac computer user, then this one is for you. Virus' may not often hit Macs, but malware is a different story, and the story of Silver Sparrow is a bit of a mystery so far. PC Magazine reports that the new malware was discovered a few days ago and only affects Mac computers. It's still unknown as to what exactly this malware does, but malware is seldom a good thing. To read more about Silver Sparrow and what you can do to see if you have it, take a look at this article.

Your Android Phone is Listening
That's right, if you have certain features turned on on your Android phone, it may be listening to everything you say. And what about Google, does it keep a log of everything you say? Any time you use your phone's microphone, someone is listening. If this is something that you would prefer not happen, then take a look at this article from MakeUseOf, that goes over all the different ways your phone can listen to you and how you can stop it.
That's right, if you have certain features turned on on your Android phone, it may be listening to everything you say. And what about Google, does it keep a log of everything you say? Any time you use your phone's microphone, someone is listening. If this is something that you would prefer not happen, then take a look at this article from MakeUseOf, that goes over all the different ways your phone can listen to you and how you can stop it.