February Meetings 2022
Feb 3, 2022 - How Good is Windows Defender? How to Become Invisible Online,
Is Your Windows Operating System Fully Up To Date?
Unknown Links = Something you don't even wanna mess with, so Don't Click Them!
Club Questions
Is Your Windows Operating System Fully Up To Date?
Unknown Links = Something you don't even wanna mess with, so Don't Click Them!
Club Questions

How Good is Windows Defender?
All Windows 10 and 11 users have a great little app built in to the operating system, Windows Defender. It's an antivirus/antimalware app that often gets overlooked, or replaced with a third party app. So how good is Defender? It's actually a vibrant, hard working app that can hold its own against the best of the third party antivirus apps. Check out how Defender holds up against the best of the best in this article.
All Windows 10 and 11 users have a great little app built in to the operating system, Windows Defender. It's an antivirus/antimalware app that often gets overlooked, or replaced with a third party app. So how good is Defender? It's actually a vibrant, hard working app that can hold its own against the best of the third party antivirus apps. Check out how Defender holds up against the best of the best in this article.

How to Become Invisible Online
Well, nearly invisible. I found this wonderful article written by a famous hacker, Kevin Mitnick, about how to erase yourself from the web. It's not for everyone, it gets a little complicated, but there's a lot of great information about staying less visible when cruising the internet. He takes you thru creating an email address that cannot be tracked easily, and goes over the TOR browser and what it can do for privacy. For more tips on how to disappear from the web, take a look at this article.
Well, nearly invisible. I found this wonderful article written by a famous hacker, Kevin Mitnick, about how to erase yourself from the web. It's not for everyone, it gets a little complicated, but there's a lot of great information about staying less visible when cruising the internet. He takes you thru creating an email address that cannot be tracked easily, and goes over the TOR browser and what it can do for privacy. For more tips on how to disappear from the web, take a look at this article.

Is Your Windows Up to Date?
Lots of Windows users may or may not realize that because they didn't finish an update completely, their operating system may not be fully up to date. Microsoft has identified that part of the problem may be in the hands of the users. The company claims it requires a minimum of eight hours online to update successfully. If that seems like a long time, it is, but that's what Windows needs to get the job done. To find out more about whether you've been updating correctly, take a look at this article.
Lots of Windows users may or may not realize that because they didn't finish an update completely, their operating system may not be fully up to date. Microsoft has identified that part of the problem may be in the hands of the users. The company claims it requires a minimum of eight hours online to update successfully. If that seems like a long time, it is, but that's what Windows needs to get the job done. To find out more about whether you've been updating correctly, take a look at this article.
Feb 10, 2022 - More on Google Data Collection, Eliminate Duplicate Photos,
Upgrading to Windows 11 (supported or not), Windows 11 Download Malware,
Clicking on an UNKNOWN LINK = OOoooooohhhh Nooooooooo! (Call the Bank!)
Club Questions
Upgrading to Windows 11 (supported or not), Windows 11 Download Malware,
Clicking on an UNKNOWN LINK = OOoooooohhhh Nooooooooo! (Call the Bank!)
Club Questions

More on Google Data Collection
Google may be collecting far more personal data and information than you might realize. Every search you perform and every YouTube video you watch, Google is keeping tabs on you. Google Maps even logs everywhere you go, the route you use to get there and how long you stay, no matter if you have an iPhone or an Android. It can be eye-opening and possibly a little unsettling looking into everything Google knows about you. To learn how you can delete the frightening amount of data Google collects from you, take a look at this article.
Google may be collecting far more personal data and information than you might realize. Every search you perform and every YouTube video you watch, Google is keeping tabs on you. Google Maps even logs everywhere you go, the route you use to get there and how long you stay, no matter if you have an iPhone or an Android. It can be eye-opening and possibly a little unsettling looking into everything Google knows about you. To learn how you can delete the frightening amount of data Google collects from you, take a look at this article.

Eliminate Duplicate Photos
After you've had your smartphone for a while, you may find that you're collecting duplicates of lots of your photos. Or maybe you just updated your phone and now suddenly you have a bunch of duplicate pics? It can be very frustrating to run into this 'duplication' problem, but the solution(s) are mostly just common sense, and a few apps. To learn more about how to tame your duplicates problem, take a look at this article. They come up with eight great steps to improve your chances of not getting any more duplicates.
After you've had your smartphone for a while, you may find that you're collecting duplicates of lots of your photos. Or maybe you just updated your phone and now suddenly you have a bunch of duplicate pics? It can be very frustrating to run into this 'duplication' problem, but the solution(s) are mostly just common sense, and a few apps. To learn more about how to tame your duplicates problem, take a look at this article. They come up with eight great steps to improve your chances of not getting any more duplicates.

Upgrading to Windows 11
The latest OS from Microsoft has been out now for a few months, and you might be considering upgrading from Windows 10. There are a variety of requirements for the upgrade, and not all computers will qualify, but there is a way to get Windows 11 even if you don't have a supported computer. To learn more about how to upgrade to Windows 11, supported or not, take a look at this article. The article is filled with links to outside support and clearly explains everything you'll need to know for a full upgrade.
The latest OS from Microsoft has been out now for a few months, and you might be considering upgrading from Windows 10. There are a variety of requirements for the upgrade, and not all computers will qualify, but there is a way to get Windows 11 even if you don't have a supported computer. To learn more about how to upgrade to Windows 11, supported or not, take a look at this article. The article is filled with links to outside support and clearly explains everything you'll need to know for a full upgrade.

Windows 11 Download Malware
For those of you considering upgrading to Windows 11, be on the lookout for a new type of malware. Fake Windows 11 installers are being used to spread the info-stealing RedLine malware. Online crooks use numerous tricks to get the unwary to download the malware, and now HP has now found them using fake promises of Windows 11 upgrades as a lure to trick PC users into install the malware. To learn more about how to identify and protect yourself from RedLine malware, take a look at this article.
For those of you considering upgrading to Windows 11, be on the lookout for a new type of malware. Fake Windows 11 installers are being used to spread the info-stealing RedLine malware. Online crooks use numerous tricks to get the unwary to download the malware, and now HP has now found them using fake promises of Windows 11 upgrades as a lure to trick PC users into install the malware. To learn more about how to identify and protect yourself from RedLine malware, take a look at this article.
Feb 17, 2022 - Google Cloud Explained (mostly), Backup Photos with Google Photos (video),
Remember Defragging Your Computer? What is Hide My Email? Windows God Mode,
Unknown Links Are NOT Looking Out for Your Best Interest.
Club Questions
Remember Defragging Your Computer? What is Hide My Email? Windows God Mode,
Unknown Links Are NOT Looking Out for Your Best Interest.
Club Questions
Google Cloud
It is of course a cloud service provided by Google, but like so many products from Google, it takes a bit of learning to get the most out of it. Google Cloud is a versatile platform, it can handle large multinational online businesses or your collection of smartphone photos. There are a few terms to get used to, like "buckets" and "objects" but Google has a decent support site with lots of Cloud questions answered. Check out the Google Cloud Support pages here. As far as pricing goes, it's on par with Apple's iCloud, giving all their customers free cloud storage of up to 5 GBs of data, with options for more storage space for a small monthly fee. For those of you that strictly want to use Google Cloud for your smartphone pics, take a look at the video below.
It is of course a cloud service provided by Google, but like so many products from Google, it takes a bit of learning to get the most out of it. Google Cloud is a versatile platform, it can handle large multinational online businesses or your collection of smartphone photos. There are a few terms to get used to, like "buckets" and "objects" but Google has a decent support site with lots of Cloud questions answered. Check out the Google Cloud Support pages here. As far as pricing goes, it's on par with Apple's iCloud, giving all their customers free cloud storage of up to 5 GBs of data, with options for more storage space for a small monthly fee. For those of you that strictly want to use Google Cloud for your smartphone pics, take a look at the video below.

Defragging the Computer?
Defragmentation, also known as “defrag” or “defragging”, is the process of reorganizing the data stored on the hard drive so that related pieces of data are put back together, all lined up in a continuous fashion. You could say that defragmentation is like cleaning house for your Servers or PCs, it picks up all of the pieces of data that are spread across your hard drive and puts them back together again, nice and neat and clean. Defragmentation increases computer performance, but only on computers that use a disc drive. SSD (Solid State Drives) don't need to be defragged. For those of you Window 10 users still using a disc drive, there are some simple steps on how to defrag your Windows computer on the official support site.
Hide My Email
If you've ever got something free off the internet, like a great recipe, or maybe a discount on one of your favorite products, then you've probably given the website your email address. Email addresses are a valuable commodity on the Internet. You should already have at least two email addresses (one for personal, one for business) and with Hide My Email you add another layer of protection to your online communication. Apple users have the Hide My Email feature, that's part of iCloud Plus, that lets you create and delete email addresses any time you need to. For a step by step tutorial on how to set up a new Hide My Email address, take a look at this article. But the advantages of hiding your email address isn't limited to Apple products, Android has a usable workaround, a service they provide by partnering with Firefox Relay (there's also a different third party app that cannot be recommended at this time.) For more on how to hide your email address on Android devices, take a look at this article. And finally, If you're interested in knowing more about how to set up a Firefox Relay account, take a look at the video below.
If you've ever got something free off the internet, like a great recipe, or maybe a discount on one of your favorite products, then you've probably given the website your email address. Email addresses are a valuable commodity on the Internet. You should already have at least two email addresses (one for personal, one for business) and with Hide My Email you add another layer of protection to your online communication. Apple users have the Hide My Email feature, that's part of iCloud Plus, that lets you create and delete email addresses any time you need to. For a step by step tutorial on how to set up a new Hide My Email address, take a look at this article. But the advantages of hiding your email address isn't limited to Apple products, Android has a usable workaround, a service they provide by partnering with Firefox Relay (there's also a different third party app that cannot be recommended at this time.) For more on how to hide your email address on Android devices, take a look at this article. And finally, If you're interested in knowing more about how to set up a Firefox Relay account, take a look at the video below.
Hide My Email on Apple
and for those of you Apple users, here's a short video that goes over all the basics of how to use the iCloud+ feature, "hide my email."
and for those of you Apple users, here's a short video that goes over all the basics of how to use the iCloud+ feature, "hide my email."
Windows God Mode
God Mode refers to a system shortcut that shows you a vast list of Control Panel items. And while its huge list of over 200 system options can be daunting to look through, having it around is a good idea in case you need it. To learn more about how to enable and make the best use of God Mode, take a look at this article. Or watch the video below to see how to activate God Mode.
God Mode refers to a system shortcut that shows you a vast list of Control Panel items. And while its huge list of over 200 system options can be daunting to look through, having it around is a good idea in case you need it. To learn more about how to enable and make the best use of God Mode, take a look at this article. Or watch the video below to see how to activate God Mode.
Feb 24, 2022 - Green Bubbles Vs. Blue Bubbles, Online Shopping Tips,
New Google Update Helps Free Space on Android devices,
Unknown Links Are NOT Your Friends, They Only Want to Take Advantage of You.
Club Questions
New Google Update Helps Free Space on Android devices,
Unknown Links Are NOT Your Friends, They Only Want to Take Advantage of You.
Club Questions
Blue Bubbles vs. Green Bubbles
If you have a smartphone, and you've ever sent a text message, you know what we're talking about. The green bubble versus blue bubble controversy has been going on for quite a while now. The short version is that green bubbles represent SMS texts, and blue bubbles represent iMessage texts. Here's Apple's take on blue vs. green. The full answer is a little more involved, for a great breakdown of green vs. blue, and lots more, watch the video below.
If you have a smartphone, and you've ever sent a text message, you know what we're talking about. The green bubble versus blue bubble controversy has been going on for quite a while now. The short version is that green bubbles represent SMS texts, and blue bubbles represent iMessage texts. Here's Apple's take on blue vs. green. The full answer is a little more involved, for a great breakdown of green vs. blue, and lots more, watch the video below.

Tips for Online Shopping
Online shopping is convenient, in that you can shop around, find the best prices, and have your packages delivered right to your doorstep without ever having to leave the comfort of your own home. But getting a great deal online involves more than just getting the lowest price. There are lots of other things to consider when making purchases online, to learn more about how to get what you're looking for and stay safe at the same time, take a look at this article.

Google Update Frees Space on Android
Android users should note that Google has just released an update to its Android Operating System which makes finding and deleting unwanted files a much simpler task. The "files by google" app is getting a new chip filter upgrade that will make cleaning up your old files a much more manageable job. This new update will help make cleaning the junk off your smartphone or tablet easy, to learn more about how this new update might affect you, take a look at this article.
Android users should note that Google has just released an update to its Android Operating System which makes finding and deleting unwanted files a much simpler task. The "files by google" app is getting a new chip filter upgrade that will make cleaning up your old files a much more manageable job. This new update will help make cleaning the junk off your smartphone or tablet easy, to learn more about how this new update might affect you, take a look at this article.