December Meetings 2021
December 2, 2021 - Microsoft Issues Warning to Windows 10/11 Users, How Google Tracks You, How to Delete Facebook Forever, The Rise of RAT Malware,
Unknown Links are Out to Get You, Don't Click on Them!
Club Questions
Unknown Links are Out to Get You, Don't Click on Them!
Club Questions

Warning Issues to Windows Users
To Microsoft’s credit, Windows 11 has had a relatively smooth release and the company recently confirmed it plans to increase the rollout pace to Windows 10 computers. But you might just want to hold fire for now. Microsoft just recently warned all its Windows 10 and Windows 11 users that the Microsoft Installer is having some driver issues. For more details on this latest Microsoft problem, take a look at this article (including a video).
To Microsoft’s credit, Windows 11 has had a relatively smooth release and the company recently confirmed it plans to increase the rollout pace to Windows 10 computers. But you might just want to hold fire for now. Microsoft just recently warned all its Windows 10 and Windows 11 users that the Microsoft Installer is having some driver issues. For more details on this latest Microsoft problem, take a look at this article (including a video).

How Google Tracks You
You're probably aware that Google keeps tabs on what you're up to on its devices, apps, and services—but you might not realize just how far its tracking reach extends, into the places you go, the purchases you make, and much more. It's an extensive set of data, but you can take more control over what Google collects about you and how long the company keeps it. For more on how to take back control of your Google data, take a look at this article.
You're probably aware that Google keeps tabs on what you're up to on its devices, apps, and services—but you might not realize just how far its tracking reach extends, into the places you go, the purchases you make, and much more. It's an extensive set of data, but you can take more control over what Google collects about you and how long the company keeps it. For more on how to take back control of your Google data, take a look at this article.

How to Delete Facebook Forever
Facebook doesn't make it easy to get out from under their digital thumb, but there are ways to completely delete your Facebook account, even though Facebook will keep your uploaded data forever). It's important to note that there's a difference between deleting your Facebook account and deactivating it. Deactivating your Facebook account temporarily freezes it, which is useful if you want a brief hiatus. But that does nothing to prevent the company from tracking your online activity. To learn more about how to completely cut ties with the social network, take a look at this article.
Facebook doesn't make it easy to get out from under their digital thumb, but there are ways to completely delete your Facebook account, even though Facebook will keep your uploaded data forever). It's important to note that there's a difference between deleting your Facebook account and deactivating it. Deactivating your Facebook account temporarily freezes it, which is useful if you want a brief hiatus. But that does nothing to prevent the company from tracking your online activity. To learn more about how to completely cut ties with the social network, take a look at this article.

RAT Malware is Here
You may have heard of pizza rat, but have you heard of RAT malware? RAT (remote access trojan) malware is a new twist to an old problem, malware on your computer. The initial entry point for attacks is a phishing email that claims to contain a text file about a product order. Clicking the malicious file will run the process for installing RATDispenser malware. In order to avoid detection, the initial JavaScript download is obfuscated with the aid of long strings of code to help hide the malicious intent. To learn more about how to avoid this new malware, take a look at this article.
You may have heard of pizza rat, but have you heard of RAT malware? RAT (remote access trojan) malware is a new twist to an old problem, malware on your computer. The initial entry point for attacks is a phishing email that claims to contain a text file about a product order. Clicking the malicious file will run the process for installing RATDispenser malware. In order to avoid detection, the initial JavaScript download is obfuscated with the aid of long strings of code to help hide the malicious intent. To learn more about how to avoid this new malware, take a look at this article.
December 9, 2021 - Putting Your Vaccine Card in your Phone, What is "The Cloud?" How to Get Microsoft Office for Free, 7 Reasons to Shut Down Your Computer Every Night,
Unknown Links are Out to Get You, Don't Click on Them!
Club Questions
Unknown Links are Out to Get You, Don't Click on Them!
Club Questions
Adding a Vaccine Card to Your Phone
Carrying your vaccine card with you can be helpful in some circumstances these days, but the actual card is an awkward size and often won't fit in your wallet. A smartphone offers you another option, you can simply take a photo of your vaccine card, altho some places don't accept a photo so be aware of that, or you can create a digital version of it, if the state you live in supports that option. Luckily WA State does have a way to get a digital version of your vaccine record, you can find that website right here. Or take a look at the video below for more ways to digitally carry your vaccine card in your smartphone.
Carrying your vaccine card with you can be helpful in some circumstances these days, but the actual card is an awkward size and often won't fit in your wallet. A smartphone offers you another option, you can simply take a photo of your vaccine card, altho some places don't accept a photo so be aware of that, or you can create a digital version of it, if the state you live in supports that option. Luckily WA State does have a way to get a digital version of your vaccine record, you can find that website right here. Or take a look at the video below for more ways to digitally carry your vaccine card in your smartphone.

What is The Cloud?
We've all heard of it, but do we really know what it is? The Cloud is all pervasive in our lives these days, it's the invisible thing that tells us which way to turn and where all our stuff is, but what really is it? The cloud is a system of millions of hard drives, computer servers, signal routers and fiber-optic cables. These elements are, in a way, like the water droplets, ice crystals and aerosols that make up a true cloud. To learn more about The Cloud's true purpose, take a look at this article and video.

Get Microsoft Word for Free
The Microsoft Office suite of business and writing apps has gone thru many different versions, but one consistent aspect has been that they've always cost something, either a flat price or on a subscription basis. Happily, you can now get any or all of the Microsoft Office apps for free. To learn more about how to get Microsoft Office, with some caveats, take a look at this article.
The Microsoft Office suite of business and writing apps has gone thru many different versions, but one consistent aspect has been that they've always cost something, either a flat price or on a subscription basis. Happily, you can now get any or all of the Microsoft Office apps for free. To learn more about how to get Microsoft Office, with some caveats, take a look at this article.

Should You Shut Down Your Computer?
We all know about rebooting, or restarting our computer, and how it can very often cure various different computer issues we might be having with the device. But what about shutting down our computers every night? Is there a good reason to do this? Actually, according to MakeUseOf, there are seven good reasons to do this. To learn more about why you might want to shut down your computer, be it a laptop or a desktop, every night, take a look at this article.
December 16, 2021 - Transferring Data to New Computer, How to Disappear From The Internet Completely, How Many Email Addresses do You Need?
Don't Even Think, about the Unknown Link. Don't Click It.
Club Questions
Don't Even Think, about the Unknown Link. Don't Click It.
Club Questions

Transferring to Your New Computer
When the time for a new computer finally comes, moving all the important stuff from your old computer to your new one isn't that hard. Transferring files from one computer to another can be done several different ways. To learn more about the best technique for moving your data to your new computer, take a look at this article.
When the time for a new computer finally comes, moving all the important stuff from your old computer to your new one isn't that hard. Transferring files from one computer to another can be done several different ways. To learn more about the best technique for moving your data to your new computer, take a look at this article.

How to Disappear From The Internet
If you've ever wondered just how you could become invisible online, there's an interesting article from CNET that goes over the various processes you would need to experience to disappear. In a thorough piece, CNET tells us how to take every bit of us off the Internet. It's not easy and it takes some time, and there may be some things you just can't remove. For more information on how to disappear, take a look at this article.
If you've ever wondered just how you could become invisible online, there's an interesting article from CNET that goes over the various processes you would need to experience to disappear. In a thorough piece, CNET tells us how to take every bit of us off the Internet. It's not easy and it takes some time, and there may be some things you just can't remove. For more information on how to disappear, take a look at this article.

How Many Email Addresses do You Need?
Having only one email address for all the things you do on the Internet is not a good idea. Hackers go after identities, and by having a single account used for many different roles, your chances of being hacked increase proportionately. Most experts would agree that having at least two email addresses (one for business, one private) is the least you should have nowadays. Forbes magazine makes its case for having at least four email addresses, with some pretty sound reasoning. To learn more about the four basic email addresses we should all have, take a look at this article.
Having only one email address for all the things you do on the Internet is not a good idea. Hackers go after identities, and by having a single account used for many different roles, your chances of being hacked increase proportionately. Most experts would agree that having at least two email addresses (one for business, one private) is the least you should have nowadays. Forbes magazine makes its case for having at least four email addresses, with some pretty sound reasoning. To learn more about the four basic email addresses we should all have, take a look at this article.
December 24, 2021 - transferring turkey to your mouth, opening presents, loving each other
An Unknown Link is like an unknown present from Santa
(you don't want to open it!)
Club Questions
An Unknown Link is like an unknown present from Santa
(you don't want to open it!)
Club Questions
Happy Tech Holidays
December 30, 2021 - Cleaning Your Cookies, How to Tell if Online Products are Stolen, How to Remove People from Group Texts,
Start this Year off right. If you don't know it, Don't click it.
(we're looking at you Unknown Links)
Club Questions
Start this Year off right. If you don't know it, Don't click it.
(we're looking at you Unknown Links)
Club Questions

Cleaning Your Cookies
Yes, those pesky cookies are at it again. Cookies are text files used to store information about you, such as a username and password, preferred settings, web activity, and more. Examples of cookies include your login information, subject preferences on a news site (including if you'll see business or sports loaded first), and your browsing history at your favorite online stores. Cookies also connect with targeted ads. All these little digital bread crumbs take up space, and can eventually slow your device down. To learn how to remove the unnecessary cookies on your phone, take a look at this article.
Yes, those pesky cookies are at it again. Cookies are text files used to store information about you, such as a username and password, preferred settings, web activity, and more. Examples of cookies include your login information, subject preferences on a news site (including if you'll see business or sports loaded first), and your browsing history at your favorite online stores. Cookies also connect with targeted ads. All these little digital bread crumbs take up space, and can eventually slow your device down. To learn how to remove the unnecessary cookies on your phone, take a look at this article.

How to Tell if Online Products are Stolen
Most sellers offer the hard to resist convenience of online shopping, but while buying something directly from a reputable retailer—or straight from the manufacturer—tends to ensure that you know exactly what you’re getting, the rise in popularity of online marketplaces, particularly those on Amazon and Facebook, has made it more of a crapshoot. For some basic tips on what to look for in online shopping even when you're on a well known site like, take a look at this article.
Most sellers offer the hard to resist convenience of online shopping, but while buying something directly from a reputable retailer—or straight from the manufacturer—tends to ensure that you know exactly what you’re getting, the rise in popularity of online marketplaces, particularly those on Amazon and Facebook, has made it more of a crapshoot. For some basic tips on what to look for in online shopping even when you're on a well known site like, take a look at this article.

Removing People from Group Texts
There's always someone, who because of their comments or behaviour, should be banned from a text group. But how do you do that? Because of the many texting platforms, the multiple operating systems and the many manufacturers, there isn't just one solution to this problem. Some messaging apps won't let you remove anyone, in this case the best solution is to simply start a new group text with everyone but the person(s) you don't want to bring along. To learn more about how to remove people from your group chats, take a look at this article for Android users. Take a look at this article for iPhone users.
There's always someone, who because of their comments or behaviour, should be banned from a text group. But how do you do that? Because of the many texting platforms, the multiple operating systems and the many manufacturers, there isn't just one solution to this problem. Some messaging apps won't let you remove anyone, in this case the best solution is to simply start a new group text with everyone but the person(s) you don't want to bring along. To learn more about how to remove people from your group chats, take a look at this article for Android users. Take a look at this article for iPhone users.