August 6, 2020 - How to Check your iPhone Battery Health, Gmail Gets Tougher on Spam, Compromised Phone Chargers
Unknown Links are NOT something you want to mess with!
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Unknown Links are NOT something you want to mess with!
Club Questions

How to Check your iPhone Battery
If your iPhone has gotten slower when using apps, or if your phone runs out of power much sooner than it used to, or if you're just interested in your battery's health, take a look at this article, it walks you through all the different battery checks now available on your iPhone. They even provide some suggestions on how to replace your battery if necessary.
If your iPhone has gotten slower when using apps, or if your phone runs out of power much sooner than it used to, or if you're just interested in your battery's health, take a look at this article, it walks you through all the different battery checks now available on your iPhone. They even provide some suggestions on how to replace your battery if necessary.

Gmail Gets More Tough on Spam
If you get email, you most likely also get spam, at least occasionally. The folks at Gmail are always working on ways to limit their customers to spam emails and they've just added a new way. Lots of spam emails will come to you looking like the real thing, business logo and all. Gmail now using a vetting procedure to make sure that the logo being used in an email is the real thing. To learn more about how this new feature works, take a look at this article from Gizmodo.
If you get email, you most likely also get spam, at least occasionally. The folks at Gmail are always working on ways to limit their customers to spam emails and they've just added a new way. Lots of spam emails will come to you looking like the real thing, business logo and all. Gmail now using a vetting procedure to make sure that the logo being used in an email is the real thing. To learn more about how this new feature works, take a look at this article from Gizmodo.

Compromised Phone Chargers
We've talked about how it's not a good idea to use a public phone charger, but now Forbes has come out with an article warning us against a charger that we may already own. To learn more about why this could be a problem for charging your phone, read the article here.
We've talked about how it's not a good idea to use a public phone charger, but now Forbes has come out with an article warning us against a charger that we may already own. To learn more about why this could be a problem for charging your phone, read the article here.
August 13, 2020 - FDA Recalls More Hand Sanitizers, Windows 10 New Screenshots, More Browser Security
Unknown Links = Bad Things happening to you and your computer
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Unknown Links = Bad Things happening to you and your computer
Club Questions

FDA Recalls Hand Sanitizers
You've read this story before, it's just gotten bigger, that is the number of products being recalled by the FDA due to the ingredient, Methanol. The FDA says, "Consumers who have been exposed to hand sanitizer containing methanol should seek immediate treatment, which is critical for potential reversal of toxic effects of methanol poisoning. Substantial methanol exposure can result in nausea, vomiting, headache, blurred vision, permanent blindness, seizures, coma, permanent damage to the nervous system or death." For all the details, and the names of the companies selling the bad hand sanitizer, take a look at this article.
You've read this story before, it's just gotten bigger, that is the number of products being recalled by the FDA due to the ingredient, Methanol. The FDA says, "Consumers who have been exposed to hand sanitizer containing methanol should seek immediate treatment, which is critical for potential reversal of toxic effects of methanol poisoning. Substantial methanol exposure can result in nausea, vomiting, headache, blurred vision, permanent blindness, seizures, coma, permanent damage to the nervous system or death." For all the details, and the names of the companies selling the bad hand sanitizer, take a look at this article.

Windows 10 New Screenshots
Microsoft just released a new version of Windows 10 (build 20185) that includes some wonderful new changes to the way Windows 10 takes a screenshot. This version isn't out to the public just yet, but when the public release is out you'll see a lot of new changes to handling screenshots, and copy and paste in Windows 10. For more information on the specific changes, take a look at this article.
Microsoft just released a new version of Windows 10 (build 20185) that includes some wonderful new changes to the way Windows 10 takes a screenshot. This version isn't out to the public just yet, but when the public release is out you'll see a lot of new changes to handling screenshots, and copy and paste in Windows 10. For more information on the specific changes, take a look at this article.

More Browser Security
If you use one of the popular web browsers, Google Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari, etc, then you might want to check your settings to make sure you're as safe as your browser will allow. Most browsers need a little tweaking when you first install them, take a look at this article and compare their suggested settings to your own. Stay secure.
If you use one of the popular web browsers, Google Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari, etc, then you might want to check your settings to make sure you're as safe as your browser will allow. Most browsers need a little tweaking when you first install them, take a look at this article and compare their suggested settings to your own. Stay secure.
August 20, 2020 - More Browser Privacy Tweaks, Force Quit on Mac, Death of Google Play Music
Unknown Links = Bad Day at Black Rock*
* Don't click on them unless you're Spencer Tracy
Club Questions
Unknown Links = Bad Day at Black Rock*
* Don't click on them unless you're Spencer Tracy
Club Questions

Browser Privacy
We all have to use a browser if we want to visit the Internet, and as we've talked about before, browsers can often collect a lot of info about you that you may, or may not be aware of. CNET breaks it all down in this short article that covers safety tweaks for every major browser and some other tips for staying safe online.
We all have to use a browser if we want to visit the Internet, and as we've talked about before, browsers can often collect a lot of info about you that you may, or may not be aware of. CNET breaks it all down in this short article that covers safety tweaks for every major browser and some other tips for staying safe online.

Force Quit Any App on Mac
If your Mac is crawling, but you still have mouse-pointer control, you can try force-quitting (or “killing”) any problem apps that might be causing the slowdown. This could be a web browser with hundreds of open tabs, a demanding image editor, like Photoshop, a game or other software that uses 3D graphics, or a large spreadsheet or word document.
To kill apps quickly, press Command+Option+Esc to bring up the macOS “Force Quit Applications” (see pic) dialog. In this window, you’ll see any running applications. You can highlight them with a click, and then kill them by clicking “Force Quit.”
If your Mac is crawling, but you still have mouse-pointer control, you can try force-quitting (or “killing”) any problem apps that might be causing the slowdown. This could be a web browser with hundreds of open tabs, a demanding image editor, like Photoshop, a game or other software that uses 3D graphics, or a large spreadsheet or word document.
To kill apps quickly, press Command+Option+Esc to bring up the macOS “Force Quit Applications” (see pic) dialog. In this window, you’ll see any running applications. You can highlight them with a click, and then kill them by clicking “Force Quit.”

Death of Google Play Music
If you're one of the lucky few people still getting your music from Google Play, you need to start looking for an alternative. Google Play Music is ending, forever, and very soon. Read more about it here.
If you're one of the lucky few people still getting your music from Google Play, you need to start looking for an alternative. Google Play Music is ending, forever, and very soon. Read more about it here.
August 27, 2020 - Newest Internet Speed, Incognito Mode, LG Gets into Face Masks
Unknown Links are like a Christmas present from Someone who doesn't like You.
Club Questions
Unknown Links are like a Christmas present from Someone who doesn't like You.
Club Questions

Internet Speeds Hit a New High
Many of us remember the days of the early Internet, you would wake up, unplug your home phone line, plug it in to your computer and then wait for about half an hour to connect. Those days are Soooo gone. The latest technology has just put Internet speed at 178 Terabits per second (178 Tb/s). By way of reference, that speed would allow you to download the entire Netflix library in under a second. To learn more about how they achieved this new Internet speed read more here.
Many of us remember the days of the early Internet, you would wake up, unplug your home phone line, plug it in to your computer and then wait for about half an hour to connect. Those days are Soooo gone. The latest technology has just put Internet speed at 178 Terabits per second (178 Tb/s). By way of reference, that speed would allow you to download the entire Netflix library in under a second. To learn more about how they achieved this new Internet speed read more here.

Incognito Mode for Your Browser
Pretty much all the popular browsers offer an Incognito or Private mode which is supposed to keep your online activities more private. Incognito mode has its uses, but it also has its limitations, to learn more about just how this privacy mode works on the browser you use, take a look at this article from Wired.
Pretty much all the popular browsers offer an Incognito or Private mode which is supposed to keep your online activities more private. Incognito mode has its uses, but it also has its limitations, to learn more about just how this privacy mode works on the browser you use, take a look at this article from Wired.

LG Gets into Face masks
The popular company from South Korea, LG, is well known for its tech, computers, phones, etc. They also have a division that handles "air solutions" which has just released a battery powered, air-purifying face mark, because that's the times we are living in. To learn more about how this new mask works, take a look at this article from CNET.
The popular company from South Korea, LG, is well known for its tech, computers, phones, etc. They also have a division that handles "air solutions" which has just released a battery powered, air-purifying face mark, because that's the times we are living in. To learn more about how this new mask works, take a look at this article from CNET.